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Ledgersync Helper is a  Google Chrome Extension that navigates the bank web site and collects checks images and bank statements using your computer.

Ledgersync Helper!!

Why can’t check image fetching be automated? 

In 2022 any form of full bank data feed automation is virtually impossible.

Why? The banks have buttoned up their security so tightly that connecting to banks mechanically and fetching the data is nearly impossible.

Ledgersync Helper is a compromise between complete automation and NO automation.


How does Ledgersync Helper work?

Step 1
Download Ledgersync Helper from the Chrome Store and connect your Ledgersync account

Step 2
Connect to the bank web site on your computer

Step 3
Open up Ledgersync Helper and follow the wizard

Step 4  
Watch the data being fetched on your local machine
Step 5  
All Check Images and Bank Statements are transferred to the selected client’s Ledgersync account

If I am already connecting to the bank website why do I need Ledgersync Helper?

Great Question. For many reasons:

  • If a client has many checks you can use Ledgersync Helper to download the checks for you in a few minutes this or manually downloading many checks at a time. 

  • Ledgersync Helper can be used by your client- THEY can run Ledgersync Helper on their computer and feed the checks to Ledgersync

  • With Ledgersync Helper we can access data that we couldn’t before- example Paypal Bank Statements 

  • Ledgersync Helper is a back up- When you can’t get bank statements via our MasterCard partner , if we have the connection you can use Ledgersync Helper to fetch the data 


How do I access Ledgersync Helper?

Click Here and follow Google’s instructions to download and add the extension to Chrome
Remember to PIN the Ledgersync Icon to your browser. 
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