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Sign-up To Learn More About Ledgersync And How It Can Save Your Firm Time & Money. At The End Of The Session, We Will Raflle Off A 50$ Amazon Gift Card!
LedgerSync Live Demo | We will cover:
Why LedgerSync makes a firm money
​The time savings LedgerSync creates and how to implement in your firm
​How to utilize LedgerSync for hard to reach clients
​Why the industry is moving quickly toward "No Data Entry"
​How LedgerSync integrates with QuickBooks

Benefits of
Ledgersync Deal
Connect to 8,000 bank and get transactions up to two years
​Get up to 2 years of transactions in minutes.
​The bank feeds in many cases are direct to the bank and so we have a lot less breakages than before
​6 months of bank statements fairly quickly
​There are no more backdating charges and we charge for each client that you add to LedgerSync. Simple and Easy!

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